Social Media

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Use Of Social Media In Business Communication

I do not want to imagine that there is anyone who has never heard of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Flickr, and Google+. In fact, most of us use more than one social media platform.

Though these platforms were primarily devewwwloped to help users stay in touch with one another, they have grown into global tools that help businesses, communities and individuals communicate and engage with each other; they are one of the best communication tools. In this post, let’s look at the use of social media in business communication.

Why is social media the most used platform to carry out business communications? It is the fastest and easiest form of communication that various businesses can use to send, receive and share content and information. It is also cheap and have a large membership and therefore, have a wider reach.


Whenever we want to communicate to our prospective customers about our products and services, we can always use the social media. For instance, many companies run Facebook pages where they notify their followers of their products.


Apart from advertising, many businesses use Facebook accounts to connect with their customers. Sometimes, companies have to focus more on engaging with their clients than selling and promoting their products.

For instance, companies may post about a charity event or about their connection to a social issue that their followers identify with such as, caring for the orphans. This helps in building trust among their followers and customers.


Businesses also use the social media to maintain their image. Companies get a more human-like appearance and thereby, make them more compassionate and likable. For instance, various companies allow their personnel to post in blog sites on behalf of their companies.


Compasocialnies use the social media to share their business experiences. Through campaigns, a company gets an opportunity to react to information quickly and always be in touch with their followers and customers. For instance, if something goes wrong, the company will have the ability to rectify the situation and publicly declare that the problem is solved.


By use of social media, customers can address their issues at anytime, anywhere and in their terms. Though sometimes one do not get an instant reply, it will still happen nonetheless and, one can receive the response is available regardless of where one is.

You no longer have to make calls and send countless emails to random customers anymore. Just use the social media and have it all. Easily done.